
May Golf Competitions

Join us every weekend for our Bingara Golf Competitions! Play in our 18 hole comps held every Saturday and Sunday and on public holidays, or our 9 hole Friday comps, with a range of competition types. Residents and guests welcome!

Tee times available from 7am.


 Friday 5th May Single Stableford, 9 Hole, Tees: Men – Blue, Ladies – Red
Saturday 6th May Single Stableford +2BBB , Tees: Men – White , Ladies – Red
Sunday 7th May Single Stableford, Tees: Men – Blue , Ladies – Red
Friday 12th May Single Stableford, 9 Hole, Tees: Men – White, Ladies – Red
Saturday 13th May  Single Par , Tees: Men – Blue , Ladies – Red
Sunday 14th May Single Stableford, Tees: Men – Blue , Ladies – Red
Friday 19th May Single Stableford, 9 Hole, Tees: Men – White, Ladies – Red
Saturday 20th May  Single Stroke, Tees: Men – White, Ladies – Red
Sunday 21st May Single Stableford, Tees: Men – Blue, Ladies – Red
Friday 26th May Single Stableford, 9 Hole, Tees: Men – Blue, Ladies – Red
Saturday 27th May *EOM Single Stableford, Tees: Men – Black, Ladies – Yellow
Sunday 28th May *EOM Single Stableford, Tees: Men – Black , Ladies – Yellow

To book your tee time in any of our competitions, simply drop into the golf shop or give us a call on 02 4630 8500.
* EOM competitions, $20 for residents and $45 for their guests (includes complimentary beverage).