Wilton Recycled Water Update

As per our notices recently, Wilton Recycled Water has informed us that they are almost ready to start supplying recycled water to the Bingara Community. The next step in the process is Ministerial approval to allow WRW to commence supply. It is an exciting milestone and a step towards making our Bingara community water resilient for today and future generations.

Over the coming weeks, WRW will be sending a series of communications out reminding you how to use recycled water around your properties.

And thanks to your feedback, WRW have also made significant improvements to their customer service phone line. A trained operator is now available to take your calls, for billing and general enquirers from Monday to Thursday between the hours of 10am – 2pm. If the operator is busy, you can leave a message with the messaging service and an operator will return your call within one business day.

Stay tuned for more updates from Wilton Recycled Water in the coming weeks.